Friday, January 2, 2015

Guys I'm So Dead...

Well I'm dead... Here's how it began...

I was going through my Pinterest alerts on my email. Somebody had responded to my comment on a pin that I had commented on forever ago. The pin was about Jon Cozart (great youtuber)(watch him).

So then I went to youtube and watched some Jon Cozart stuff. But while browsing through the list of suggested videos, I found an old "Teens React" vid.

So then I watched some React videos. But then on the list of suggested videos was a thing called "Tyler Oakley reacts to Teens React to Tyler Oakley"..... So I clicked it...

Then I watched some other Tyler Oakley stuff. But then he had a collab with Connor Franta.

Ladies and gents lemme just say: Connor. Franta.

Needless to say, I watched tons of his videos.

That was all over the span of two nights.

The next day, my mom and I were watching Muppet Treasure Island. I wanted to know who Jim Hawkins really is (because I'm a writer and I need human faces for characters). So I looked him up, and decided to get some other faces while I was at it.
First I looked up a list of American child actors.
Then I looked up a list of British child actors (because I love Great Britain).

This is the moment that I discovered the beauty that is Asa Maxwell Thornton Farr Butterfield.

So that night I watched interviews so I could hear his voice, and looked up pictures..
"For research and faces" I told myself. "For research and nothing more."

Dang was I mistaken.

Little did I know I would stay up til 6am reading fanfics.

That night was last night. I still haven't finished the fic I was in the middle of (don't judge)(it's long). Last night I never went to sleep. I stayed up all night long in an attempt to finish it.
I slept a little from 10 to 11 am... but I have been awake now since 6pm yesterday.

Yeah. 6pm.

Because for the last week, besides watching Jon Cozart and Tyler Oakley and Connor Franta, I've been trying to finish the longest ever Sherlolly fanfiction. "The Full House". If you get me, you get me. The feels man. The feels. Days and days of going to sleep at 6am.

So that's why I slept all day yesterday.

But today, in an attempt to re-align my sleep patterns, I pulled my first ever true all-nighter.
And, in my opinion, it was totally worth it.

But now I'm left with the carnage of being obsessed with Asa Butterfield...

I mean how can I not?

I'm an innocent fangirl who loves everything British and who loves guys with dark hair and pretty eyes. Asa is practically my perfect weakness. He's a year older than me (which totally eggs my stupid fangirl-brain on), and he's doing things I want to be doing with myself...


He's an actor. Asa portrayed the main roles in The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, Hugo, and Ender's Game (just to name a few).

So that gives my stupid fangirl-brain more leeway to make mental fantasies about meeting him. Because the two things I want to do most as of now are acting and writing. It's a stupid dream of mine to become a writer, and work at BBC...
But I know it'll never happen...

So guy's I'm so dead... Not just because I'm flippity flop tired. But also because I've added a brand new obsession to my list. And frankly I'm not dealing with it very well...

But I'll just deal with it the best way my stupid fangirl-brain can:

Not at all.

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